Siddhartha Eightfold Path

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In most history classes, Martin Luther King Jr., who came from a strong religious background and implemented his beliefs into nonviolent protest against racism, is discussed at some point. He believed everyone should be treated equally without segregation as a factor. The Eightfold Path’s “right action” is reached for Martin Luther with nonviolence which exemplified throughout his campaign. Martin Luther’s method contrasts with the fictional character Katniss Everdeen, from The Hunger Games, who yearned to overthrow The Capital, and resorted to violent protesting, which would have violated the principles of the Eightfold Path. The protagonist in Hermann Hesse’s Siddhartha, Siddhartha, struggles to find enlightenment because he strays from the …show more content…

Siddartha struggles to find interdependence, which is another goal to obtain in his goal-driven life. He has suffered through his own experiences until he became able to listen to the river. He came to the realization that “the river flowed toward the goal: Siddhartha saw it hastening-- the river consisting of his and his near and dear and all the people he had ever seen; all the waves and the water hastened, suffering, towards goals, many goals were attained; each goal followed by another...” (Hesse). To parallel with the river in Siddhartha, Jung takes interest in the goal of interdependence and personification as goals flowing into one constant writing of something, “flowed toward the goal” and seeing that like independence itself, “everything was one.” (Sadler). Siddhartha heard thousands of voices can turn into one and be connected to the universe as a whole. As he used “right concentration” to listen to each voice, they intertwined with nature. Siddartha becoming one with the voices and nature led him into “right livelihood” in which he could have right means with naturistic things. Jung portrays the idea of “right mindfulness” through his psychology concerning the flowing nature of one's goals. Before attaining the goal of interdependence, one must suffer along the way until smaller goals are obtained. The same way the river flows into Siddhartha's goals, he comes to the realization all will flow into one solid goal where “right livelihood”, “right mindfulness”, “right concentration” flow into the Eightfold

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