Should We Dropped The Atomic Bomb Persuasive Essay

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Debate Essay The Justification for Dropping the Atomic Bomb On August 6, 1945, during World War II, an American B-29 bomber plane dropped the world’s first atomic bomb over the Japanese city, Hiroshima. The explosion immediately killed an estimated 80,000 people; tens of thousands more would later die of radiation exposure. Three days later, a second B-29 plane dropped another atomic bomb on Nagasaki, killing an estimated 40,000 people. Japan’s Emperor, Hirohito, announced his country’s surrender in World War II in a radio address on August 15, citing the devastating power of “a new and most cruel bomb.” The decision to drop atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki during World War II remains one of the most controversial topics in history. While …show more content…

Despite these efforts, Japan showed no signs of surrendering unconditionally. The Potsdam Declaration, issued in July 1945, called for Japan's unconditional surrender, with the warning of "prompt and utter destruction" if they refused. (“Debating the Necessity of Atomic Bombings: A Comprehensive - Course Hero”) However, Japanese leaders remained defiant, viewing surrender as a betrayal of national honor and sovereignty. Japan had tons of opportunities to surrender, but they still wanted to fight even though their cities were in ruins. The US could have invaded Japan, but they would have lost thousands of allied and Japanese lives in the process. “The atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki ended World War II. There can be no doubt about that. While they brought death and destruction on a horrifying scale, they averted even greater losses – American, English, and Japanese.” (““Japan was already defeated and dropping the bomb was... - Reddit”). The Atomic bomb dropping did kill around 200,000 people but the cost of fighting or firebombing would have been much more costly. The fourth point is the Preventing Future Conflicts (Atomic Diplomacy). The bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, with their unprecedented

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