Should The Seventh Man Feel Guilty About K's Death Essay

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Should the seventh man continue to feel guilty about the death of his best friend K? He should not continue to feel bad about K’s death. This point of view can be argued for many reasons, but people might disagree. There are many reasons why the seventh man should not feel guilt and many other counterclaims. These counter claims however have many contradictions and can be disproven with evidence from the text. First, the seventh man should not feel guilty because he did not ask K to go along with him. The Seventh man only told him where he was going. By going with the seventh man K put himself into the situation. In the Seventh by man by Haruki Murakami, the seventh man yelled out to K warning him about the oncoming danger. He screamed as loud as he could and it was K’s fault for not listening. This means the seventh man did everything possible to help K without putting himself in danger. Along with the yelling, there was a loud rumbling noise which …show more content…

This is not true because if The seventh man ran to get K, he might have also died. In moral logic of survivor guilt the author of Moral of Logic of Survival guilt, Nancy Sherman, states it is a flight or fight mentality. This is basic for survival. In this instance the seventh man chose flight. He should not feel guilty he would have died if he did run over and save his best friends life. Fighting in this situation or running over would kill both of them. When people say that he should have just gotten over his fear. This is very hard to do. How can someone simply get over their fear in a couple of seconds? How would the seventh man even know if the wave would hit . It was not his fault ; this wave was uncontrollable. Just because the seventh man is older it does not mean he ultimately responsible. In The seventh man the seventh man says how K would follow him every where. Even if the seventh man told K to go away he would probably still want to follow

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