Should People Be Allowed To Get A Driver's License At Sixteen?

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First and foremost, people should be allowed to get a driver's license at sixteen so that they can drive to work. Because teenagers in America can get their "working papers" by the time they are fourteen; by the time they turn sixteen, most are already working. Since they have a job by sixteen, they need to have transportation in order to get there. Otherwise the foundation that the they are working for might not be accepting lateness within their domain, and ,most likely, fire that particular sixteen year old. For example, in many struggling households, it is extremely imperative for teenagers to make money. Without the ability to drive to work, many places of employment are limited. And with several places of employment that are vacant, there are takers that come in and sign up quick. If they are able to get a driver's license it will alleviate these problems. With these problems eased aside, sixteen year olds can focus more on their schoolwork and other troubles. …show more content…

By the time an individual reaches their mid-teenage years, they should no longer need a bus or a parent to drive them to school. They are simply too old to be treated in such a manner. For instance, not all schools districts across the country provide transportation for their students. And with this problem in mind, the sixteen year olds would have to walk to their education which could vary from feet to miles. Ever more importantly these individuals may have parents or guardians that works during the day. This would make it impossible for these students to get to school in the morning. Which leads to a failure within the certain class from which parents do not wish to have or witness. It is important to ensure all students are able to get to the school building in a safe and timely

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