Should Native Americans Get Their Land Back

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The best way for the United States to make up for injustices is to return land to Native American group . .today i will be talking about how the indian should get their land back rather than reason why i think they should get land rather than money is that they will probably wouldnt use it for useful things. Native american were here first and if they had their land they will have the natural resources to survive. My first reason why we should give their land back is because they were here first.Their land is more than just a piece of land, it means something to them it’s where they buried their ancestors and they were the ones who started to plant things and build house and other things.a quote from an articles Native Americans were here first. “We took their land while creating reservations for their surviving people to live on. It seems fair to most of us that we now owe them some form of reparations in order to make up for the past. After all, the Native Americans were the ones who gave up their lands to us”.Also These indian were vulnerable when their land was taken they also lost their dignity And self respect it would be fair if we gave them back there land. My second reason is if …show more content…

Very tough conditions." Also the belief that “money can buy anything” is absurd and disgusting. Money cannot buy or return dignity and self-respect”.working-age people without jobs, and all kinds of problems that come along with that. Very tough conditions." Also the belief that “money can buy anything” is absurd and disgusting. Money cannot buy or return dignity and self-respect”.and plus and they wouldn't use it all for schools .and probably wouldn't use it for useful

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