Should Gifted Programs Be Done Away From Schools Essay

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School is a place for opportunity and achievement for many. But, sometimes those opportunities and programs are not fair to other students. The gifted program is supposed to be an opportunity for students to achieve more and get extracurricular chances. But could this program lead students not “gifted” to feel bad about themselves and their curricular achievements. Therefore the gifted programs should be removed from schools. Some reasons why are, students don’t get an equal chance to be in the program, and the program takes away class time from students. If you really think about it, there are so many opportunities that are offered to students, but this one is seclusive to many. One of the reason that gifted programs should be removed …show more content…

Shouldn’t students that are in Caitlin Barnett 1/18/18 Rough Draft the program get tested each year to make sure they are still excelling academically? Gifted programs take place during double period. This period is when students get to rotate to each period and practice the material they are learning. Therefore, gifted programs are taking away students time from attending classes. Lots of time in double period students work on worksheets and assignments. This means the students in gifted are missing out on key practice for assignments that are not corresponding with the lesson. Another reason the gifted program is taking time away from class, is because students who attend the program are missing out on the classes they might be struggling in. Plus, if a student is not completing homework and getting repetitive bad scores on a test, should that student be allowed to miss double period and attend the program? In some cases, students are above level, have good grades, are doing well on test, and keeping up in all their classes. Therefore, those students should get a chance to learn on a higher level. But, instead that group

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