Should Designer Babies Be Allowed

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No need for Designer Babies Jacques Cohen is the embryologists that created cytoplasmic transfer in hope to rescue eggs from unsuccessful in-vitro fertilization, IVF, in the mid-1990s. Over the past few years, parents have been trying to design their babies free of traits and diseases in which they may carry. There have been many results in which the procedure has only created problems. Designer Babies should not be allowed because there has been no evaluation on the outcome, creates more problems, and creates bioengineered babies. The first reason I am against “Designer Babies” is due to no evaluation. According to Jonathan Van Blerkom, embryologist at the University of Colorado, the induvial who is doing this work have presented no real hardcore scientific background on the issue. …show more content…

“To deliberately create an induvial with multiple mitochondrial genotypes without knowing the consequences is really a step into the dark” (Cummins). Instead of destroying the problems that they assume the embryo will have, they will create other problems instead. Those other problems may even be new diseases in which we have no cure how to treat. Thus said, designer babies will create more diseases in the future. Finally, my last reason is the fear of a competitive completion between parents to create the perfect child. In today’s society everyone wants there child to be perfect. Parents will become more in love with the image of the child created in there head, then the reality of the child. Is that not taking a way the child’s freedom of choice? The freedom to make mistakes and learn from them? The ability to create their own path of success the way God intended? Legislators are already against reproductive cloning and the balance of power in which the FDA regulatory control over reprogenetics

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