Should Ben Carson Have Surgery On The Makwaeba Twins?

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Should Ben Carson have surgery on the Makwaeba twins? In chapter 13 of Gifted Hands, Ben Carson had to perform a life or death surgery on two conjoined twins. Although he had performed the same surgery on a pair of conjoined twins by the name of Patrick and Benjamin Binder. Despite the praise that Ben received for trying to do the unsuccessful surgery, Ben received much hate for “killing the children”. Even though some claim that they were better off not doing the surgery, without a doubt I believe that he made the right choice. What could have happened if the surgery was successful outweighs what would have happened if they didn’t do the surgery. To begin with, if Ben didn’t do the surgery the twins would’ve passed anyway. To clarify, if the …show more content…

What this is saying is, if Ben decided that it wasn’t worth it and let the twins be. Their hearts would’ve shriveled up and weakened, therefore if the surgery wasn’t performed their hopes of living would be thrown out the window. So as you can see, if Carson never attempted the surgery, the Makwaeba twins still wouldn’t have a shot at life. Secondly Ben had experience with that kind of operation. To clarify, Seven years prior Ben got his first opportunity to operate on a set of craniopagus siamese twins, the Binder Twins. As a neurosurgeon who has dealt with that type of thing, Carson possessed the skills and knowledge necessary to attempt another complex surgical separation of conjoined twins.Carson's skills and preparation from the Binder Twins minimized the risks and increased the chances of a successful outcome for the twins. To tie it up, Ben was sure that he would be successful because of his experience with the operation. Lastly Ben had hope and was encouraged to be successful with the surgery. To explain, throughout the book Ben believed that the Lord wanted him to be a successful doctor. Specifically in Chapter 13 the author states,”He had hoped and prayed for these

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