Short Term Effects Of Concussions In Sports

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Athletes participating in contact sports have a risk of getting concussions. There are plenty of short term and long term effects of brain injuries and they can be life threatening if repeated numerous times. Concussions can be dangerous for anyone who encounters it, but it has been shown that girl athletes are more prone to getting one than boy athlete is. If an athlete ever received a concussion, it would be ideal if they were required to sit out for a period of time so that they can recover. Concussions can be dangerous if not treated properly, which can lead to short term and long term damage. Short term effects can last as long as it takes for the person to recover. A few examples of short term effects from article 3 are headaches, sleep pattern change, dizziness, nausea, blurred vision, and numerous more. While countless football players, professional wrestlers, and multiple other athletes in sports that involve physical contact just suffer from the short term effects of a life altering condition, long term effects can often be worse. In article 2, the effects of concussions can be lasting and long term problems. They can change your mood …show more content…

According to article 1, there have been advances in the helmets athletes wear that can withstand multiple shocks because of the substance inside them. However, this gear doesn't fully take away the fact that the athlete wearing it would get a concussion. Article 1 also states that around 10% of athletes take more than seven days to recover from the effects of a concussion. Even though that is a small percent of athletes, it indicates that it can take over seven days to recover. Many states are required to have a licensed medical professional check up on the athletes when they have experienced a head injury, as it says in article 2, and there is no same day return to the

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