Short Biography: Kit Carson

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Kit Carson Kit Carson was born in Kentucky December 24, 1809. Kit Carson loved to read, write. Carson with his family moved to Howard County, Missouri.Kit also was the sixth of ten children. When Kit has been just nine years old, his father was killed in a tragic accident. His father, Lindsey Carson fought in the American Revolution 1775 a war in which the American colonies fought to win their independence from Great Britain. With a heart as tender as the most sensitive woman, a loving and trusting disposition, the most child-like innocence, he united the courage of a Coeur de Leon, the utmost firmness, the strongest will, and the best of common sense. He could weep at the misfortunes or sufferings of a fellow creature, but could punish with strictest rigor a culprit who justly deserved it. Kit got to get married with Rebecca Robinson in 1796.At the age of fourteen he became an apprentice. Carson was one of the most valued people in the western expansion. He also as a great brother, son , husband to his family. Carson also had a great saddle maker to join in a group. …show more content…

Life on the western frontier Kit Carson's career in the West spanned the years from 1825 to 1868, a period of rapid national expansion, exploration, and settlement. From 1827 to 1829 young Kit Carson spent time working as a cook, driving a wagon, interpreting Spanish, and mining copper. In August 1829 he gained experience after joining a trapping party bound for California. Kit Carson had his whole life figure

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