Shia Labeouf Bad Reputation Summary

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The article that is selected is a perfect example of the theme, as it explains how the promising actor Shia LaBeouf’s life becomes horrible as a result of gaining a bad reputation. The theme which is selected states that it is important not to gain a bad reputation, by acting in a way that is frowned upon by society. The article demonstrates how Shia LaBeouf matches this theme, as he starts off as a great likeable person with promise, the article even states, “Ten years ago, when he starred in the first Transformers film, you'd have bet good money that Mr. LaBeouf would soon be the biggest thing in Hollywood” (Kelly). This would have one believe that Shia LaBeouf’s life is going great, although his life is headed downhill, “It was recently announced that Mr. LaBeouf's character will be cut from the next Indiana Jones instalment” (Kelly). His life is going downhill, and it is all a result of his bad reputation, the article explains how he earned his reputation, “Then he got weird. Not just L.A. weird, but seriously weird. A series of bizarre art happenings and public meltdowns culminated in July with an arrest for public drunkenness and a cringe-inducing rant recorded inside a police cruiser” (Kelly). …show more content…

These events of Shia LaBeouf’s life match extremely close to the theme since Shia does the opposite of what is suggested in the theme, he does not avoid gaining a bad reputation, instead, he commits acts frowned upon by the public, leading to his career being

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