Shawshank Redemption Essay

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The film Shawshank Redemption takes place almost entirely within the walls of a prison, and depicts an intimate view of prison life from the perspective of the prisoners. I enjoyed this film because it made me think about prisons from a different perspective- through the experiences of individual prisoners. We often discuss prisons and the criminal justice system from an operational, logistical, and economic viewpoint. It is not as common for us to look at prisons as an individual and unique social experience. As we have learned, life in prison is restrictive and access to resources, both social and physical, are minimal. There are a variety of methods that prisoners must use to adjust to this new life- there are both formal and informal rules
One of the older prisoners is heard in a voice over as we see the prisoners in their cells and the lights going out for the night, he narrates, “the first night is the toughest” and “most new fish come close to madness the first night.” Shortly after, we hear a new prisoner crying and calling for help and see three guards approach his cell. When the new prisoner, in the film, cries for help, the guards call him names, drag him out of his cell, and brutally beat him. We find out the next day that he was beaten badly and did not receive prompt medical attention that he died from his injuries. This was a shock because of all the things I would have thought to fear the first night I spent in prison, I would not think that I would need to fear that I may die my very first night at the hands of the prison guards! This was so frightening and unexpected. It conveyed clearly that the expectations for even basic decencies and common courtesies we have in regular life are quite different in prison. I did not expect the guards to coddle the man or let him out, but I did not expect that level of brutality from them. They did not even know him and he had not done done anything wrong besides verbally express his

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