Severe Combined Immunodeficiency (SCID)

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Severe combined immunodeficiency (also known as SCID) is an uncommon genetic disorder. SCID drastically affects the immune system, harming the T and B cell functions (Severe combined immunodeficiency). More people tend to have X-linked SCID. Males only have one X chromosome and one Y chromosome. Mothers would pass their X chromosomes to their sons. In X-linked SCID, a mother with a defective X chromosome for SCID would pass this gene onto her son, since he only has one X chromosome (Severe combined immunodeficiency). Thus, males have a higher chance of getting X-linked SCID than females (females have two X chromosomes, so if only one of the X chromosomes has the defective copy of the SCID gene, then the female would probably be a carrier for …show more content…

Others may have sepsis as well. There are several ways to diagnose SCID. Medical professionals will probably monitor a child and look for the following characteristics. If the child has had multiple cases of ear infections, pneumonia, or some sort of a genetic background in problems with the immune system, then medical professionals would diagnose SCID even further (Severe combined immunodeficiency). Mostly, people would not see infections come back more often in a normal individual. Additionally the infections are not as severe in a normal individual than in an individual who has SCID (SCID Facts, 2004-2018). The next step would be to perform the blood tests on the individual (Severe combined immunodeficiency). Fewer quantitative levels of T cells and antibodies in the individuals’ blood results would be seen in SCID patients. A person may also not have a lot of immunoglobulin levels (Severe combined immunodeficiency). There can also be genetic testing performed as well if an individual in a family already has SCID (Severe combined immunodeficiency). If this individual person’s mother is pregnant, then some of the amniotic fluid can be removed from the baby to see if the baby has a chance of developing SCID. Nowadays, there is a lot of screening for the newborn babies to see if they have SCID (Severe combined

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