Segregation And Discrimination In The Film 'Hidden Figures'

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Hidden Figures The film Hidden Figures is a movie that depicts the truth about racism, segregation and discrimination towards women during the 1960’s, but also the willpower and triumph that happens when people put aside their physical appearances and social statuses to work towards a common goal, which in this case was the great NASA race to space. The passion, determination, and perseverance of these women made it possible for other people, especially women of color to make an impact in the world, no matter how big or small. Hidden Figures reopened our eyes to discrimination in America, not only racial discrimination, but gender discrimination as well. Our hearts were reopened as well as the film portrayed heroism of those 3 women who endured major prejudice, which didn’t stop that from getting in there way of work. The film is an inspiration to people from …show more content…

Though the main plot of the movie was about 3 women being the brains behind a huge NASA space launch, it also incorporated a deeper meaning about passion, determination and perseverance. The 3 prominent women in the film had something in common. They had a passion for what the work they did. They were confident in the work they did, they enjoyed the work they did, they were good at their job, which established a great passion for what they did. The film showed a great amount of determination. There was a lot of determination not just to obtain the right formulas and numbers, but determination to get what was wanted. Mary Jackson showed great determination to be the first black woman to attend an all white high school. The determination is visible as she spoke to the judge and said, “ Your honor, out of all the cases you gon hear today, which one is gon matter hundred years from now? Which one is gon make you the first?”. She was determined to be as educated just like

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