Scout Finch Greed

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To Kill a Mockingbird
“Shoot all the bluejays you want, if you can hit’em, but remember it’s a sin to kill a mockingbird.” That quote is remembered throughout the book in Scout Finches mind. In the novel To Kill a Mockingbird Written by Harper Lee is a story about a family living in Macomb County who get mocked and harassed by a group of people who live in their shire, because of an African American accused of rape. Scout Finch and her brother, Jem, two of the main characters, are both curious and strong minded. They stand up for their father who is the lawyer for the African American, Tom Robinson. Besides being curious and strong minded, Scout Finch, is also daring, and a Tom-boy and examples of these characteristics are given through the …show more content…

The teacher, Miss Caroline had offered to give Walter a few quarters for lunch. Scout embarrasses him for being poor and she was daring enough to call him out in front of the class. Another example of how daring Scout is, is when she beats up Walter Cunningham.
Another characteristic that represents Scout is her curiosity. She is curious when she, Jem, and Dill all went over to the Radley House to see what was inside, and to see if Boo Radley was dead or alive. Scout was full of Curiosity that even when she was scared she knew she had to take a look for her self. Scout says
“‘Jem, please”
“Scout im tellin’ you for the last time, shutyour trap or go home-- I declare to the lord you’re gettin’ more like a girl every day!”(Lee69). This is just a example of how Scout is full of curiosity. Another example of Scout’s curiosity was when she wondered about why Mr. Cunningham paid Atticus for his legal work in nuts and turnip greens. Atticus says “let that be the least of your worries, Walter,” When Scout asked Jem what entailment was, “Jem described it as a condition of having your tail in a crack,” I asked Atticus if Mr Cunningham would ever pay us back” Atticus says “Not in money,” but before the years out I’ll have been paid. “You watch.”(Lee27) …show more content…

Jem sighed. “You know I’m too big”
“You can push”. Scout said.(Lee49) This is her being a tom boy because she is doing something that not a average girl would do back then. Another example is that she loves her overalls. And how much she hated dresses. Scout says in the story “I felt the starch walls of pink cotton penitentiary closing in on me, and for the second time in my life I thought of running away”.(Lee182) This represents her as a tom boy because a girl back then was suppost to be lady like and her Aunt Alexandra always gave her a hard time for it.
Scout Finch is a little girl from To Kill a Mockingbird who is full of curiossity, who is daring and is also a tom boy. Scout in the novel made a big impact on all the characters in the story in which she found out what Boo Radley looked like and found out he was not dead and also she was also always a step ahead of everyone, she was the smartest in her class and she kept Aticus thinking. Scout got to step inside of other peoples shoes just as Cal wanted her to do. Scout Finch was taught throughout how to see people from there prospective. This book would be great for any group of readers who like mystery and old southern

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