Scarlet Letter Dishonest Quotes

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In his novel, The Scarlet Letter, Nathaniel Hawthorne uses Roger Prynne to communicate the detrimental and soul-corrupting effects of dishonesty. Arriving in Boston years after his wife, Prynne conceals himself from his entry to the city. Under the false identity of Roger Chillingworth, he takes deception too far for his humanity to remain intact, causing a gruesome transformation. Roger Prynne’s late arrival in Boston causes him to be dishonest. He leaves Amsterdam and endures a grievous journey to the New World where he is captured by Native Americans. Eventually, they bring him to Boston to ransom him amid Hester Prynne’s public embarrassment on the scaffold in the center of town. Without her husband, Roger, for years, Hester committed adultery with Reverend Arthur …show more content…

She was condemned to wearing a scarlet “A” on her breast to remind her of the sin. Receiving this information from a stranger, Prynne’s face contorts with a dark emotion as he motions to Hester to keep his identity a secret- “He slowly and calmly raised his finger… and laid it to his lips” (Hawthorne 57). He later clarifies his meaning when visiting Hester in jail under the guise of her physician- “Breathe not, to any human soul, that thou didst ever call me husband!” (Hawthorne 71). Prynne is steadfast in his decision to conceal himself to exact revenge on Hester’s unknown lover. Noting the signs in Rev. Dimmesdale that indicate he harbors a secret, Prynne assumes the identity of Roger Chillingworth, gifted physician, and gets close to him. Chillingworth uses the

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