Scarlet Ibis Theme Essay

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“The Scarlet Ibis” is a short story about a big brother who accidentally contributes to the uneasy death of Doodle, his younger brother. The entire story consists of the narrator’s flashbacks to his childhood with his younger brother. The brother compares Doodle to a scarlet ibis because of how rare and beautiful he is. The theme throughout the story is that pride is sometimes good and sometimes bad. Doodle overcomes his older brothers high expectations by learning “normal human things.” Doodle went through triumphant and challenging times in his life, but he always pushed himself to become the best person he could be. Eventually, Doodle was overworked by his older brother, and gave in. Throughout the story, readers see the narrator’s pride slowly destroy Doodle’s wellbeing. Pride …show more content…

Even though Doodle had many challenges in his life, he overcame many of them. The narrator taught Doodle how to walk, run, talk, and basically act like a normal human. The narrator put his disability aside, and showed Doodle that he was actually worth something. The narrator showed Doodle that he was apart of the family, and nothing would change that. The narrator’s pride was positive because he showed Doodle how much he meant to him. He taught him to do all these things so they could have a friendship, and so they could bond. As the narrator pushed him to be the best he could be, it also had an effect in the long run that would change his life forever. Doodle finally felt a part of the family when he first learned to crawl. The narrator said, “...he learned to crawl (it was his third winter), and we brought him out of the front of the bedroom, putting him on the rug before the fireplace. For the first time he became one of us” (Hurst 464). The narrator’s pride was good because he is the one that gave Doodle value as a family member and a

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