Saving Private Ryan

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Saving Private Ryan

Saving Private Ryan portrays the experiences of the mysterious captain John Miller and his army ranger Squad. The story accurately depicts what could have happened to a comparable unit mission shown had actually existed. No Saving Private Ryan character ever existed. Furthermore, it is unlikely that Saving Private Ryan’s mission ever would have been ordered. The mission shown is improbable because United States army sole survivor policy “is applicable only in peacetime.” (Sergeant Rod Powers, ret.). Regardless the movie shows the chaos that American soldiers may very well have encountered while marching through Normandy subsequent to D-day.

All the weapons and equipment Saving Private Ryan used were used were historically accurate. Certain units preferred, the Thompson submachine gun it was fully automatic and reliable. Auto-ordnance history, states, “The Thompson was most popular among specialized troops such as Rangers, Marine Raiders, armored, and parachute units.” (Charles H. Smith, page 2). However, other military branches disdained Thompsons because they were inaccurate. The Standard issue M-1 Garand was the most popular rifle carried during WWII. The M1 Garand was durable, accurate, and had a high firing capacity. General Paton exalted the M1 Garand as being, “The greatest battle implement ever devised.” (General Patton regarding the M1 Garand). The M1 Garand was easily the most popular gun in WWII evidenced in the movie where most of the soldiers carried M1 Garands. Other weapons shown include the (BAR) or Browning automatic rifle, the M1 carbine, and various types of bazookas, bombs, and machine guns. WWII implemented all the previously listed ordinances. The movie accurately depi...

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"Normandy Invasion: estimated battle casualties". Encyclopedia Britannica, Inc.. 1998 .

Rottman, Gordon . "Fubar: Soldier Slang of World War II". Powell Books. 2010 .

Carey, Matthew. "D-Day historian: 'Ryan' not best war film". CNN Entertainment. November 11, 2009 .

Smith, Charles. "THE THOMPSON SUBMACHINE GUN". Auto-ordinance. 2007 .

Powers, Rod. "Sole Surviving Son or Daughter". Military. 2010 .

"Vintage Rifles". 2010 .

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