Sartoris Snopes In William Faulkner's Barn Burning

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Barn Burning by William Faulkner opens in the country during the late 19th century. Immediately the scene is set in a store that is doubling as the Justice of the Peace’s court. Sartoris Snopes son of Abner Snopes is the young protagonist that is introduced in the beginning as a conflicted and hungry boy. Abner is in court being incriminated for burning down Mr. Harris’s barn. When Sartoris is called up to testify against his father, the court recognizes that he was wrongly put in a compromising position against his family member. Sartoris is then let go. The Judge drops the charges and advises Abner to leave the county all together instead. The Snopes family packs their belongings onto their wagon and make their way to their new location.

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