Santa Rosa Mall Sociology

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We live in a society where most human beings are divided into social class categories, the sad part of it, is that some of them are not even aware of it. I was assigned to go to the nearest shopping center which is Santa Rosa mall to observe the people and the stores that are in that mall. Class, race and socioeconomic status are big factors in your daily life because they define what chances you can get, where you work, and also where you do your shopping for either clothes or food. Race plays a big role on where you go shopping because, if you're white you're obviously will be going to luxurious stores, compared to low income Latinos that mostly shop at local stores where prices are affordable to them. Social class is one of the main factors that determine whether you have a luxurious or limited …show more content…

In 2018, everybody wants to keep up with today’s fashion but, unfortunately not everyone can’t afford to do that. The way fashion and stores go about their sales is by observing their location, and examining the demographics of them. On this specific case I observe Santa Rosa mall that’s located in a predominantly Latino neighborhood, this means that most of the stores on this mall are for low incomes families. The way that this system is set up is to go back a few years ago when areas were divided by “redlinening” which meant the whites on one side and people of color in the other side. Redlinening plays a big role in today’s society because it determines where people can go shop, on this particular case most of the stores at Santa Rosa mall are Forever 21, Sears, Fanzz, Salt Tree, and Aeropostale. All these stores are pretty cheap wich means the quality of the clothes it’s not the best. While I was walking around the mall I was able to see how this mall has a big population of Latinos who shop there. One the main objective I made for this observation is,

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