Sandbox Monologue

527 Words2 Pages

Think back. I mean way, way back to when you were a child, maybe five or six, sitting in a playground sandbox, looking at the ground. You feel the warm summer air around you. You hear the laughter of the other children playing in the distance. But you, you don’t care what those other children are doing. You are in your sandbox, discovering something… something interesting. Something different that most people would fail to even take notice of or bother to admire. Looking down, you can see the grains of sand; uncountable numbers of tiny little particles staked on top of one another. But wait! What was that? Is that? No… It can’t be. It’s a tiny black moving piece of sand? How could that be? Last time I checked, sand couldn’t move on its own. What… another one? More? More? There are hundreds of them! What are these little things running around in my sandbox? Quickly, you stand up and hurry over to your mother. “Mom! Mom! What are these little tiny moving pieces of sand?” You asked. “Oh honey, those are only ants. Try not to bother them. They are just working.” Your mother proclaimed to you. At that instant, your mother just briefly touched upon a vast, unimaginable world, which would seem almost alien to ours. Ants are amazing. They are the size of grains of sand, but …show more content…

They have been known to build floodwalls to protect the nest, storage rooms for their food, separate bathroom chambers away from their food supplies, sleeping areas, and highways used to travel around the nest more efficiently. Their nests vary in size, ranging from six meters deep below ground, to the largest covering more than 670 acres. Yet, they are able to accomplish all of this without any formal plan, organization, or leader to direct them. What’s even more impressive is their ability to complete these structures without any formal education in engineering or science. They just do

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