Iep Case Study

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A. Notice of IEP meeting for __Tiffany___.

A1. Explanation of IEP conference:
a. Purpose: The meeting is an annual IEP meeting to discuss Tiffany’s progress on objectives and goals and to look at the programming for the following school year.
b. Possible Outcomes: A meeting will be planned with the Special Education teacher, General Education teacher, Principal (or district representative) and individual who can evaluate the child. We will work on goals for Tiffany and set those goals with a yearly IEP and a 3 year revaluation. Tiffany will receive a new annual goal and her schedule will most change. Tiffany’s schedule may be altered and she will be in the general education room for whole group instruction and for a portion of the day the special education room for academic support. Tiffany’s parents will be informed of the services that will be provided for their daughter. Tiffany’s parents will also be informed of the modifications/accommodations that Tiffany can …show more content…

Justification: The strategies for Tiffany should help her be more successful in the classroom while still allowing her to learn. These strategies will assist her ……
2. Strategy: Tiffany is struggling with the content of material in the classroom. The regular education teacher meets with the special education teacher about the delivery of instruction. They meet face to face and discuss modifications that need to be made. Modifications to classroom instruction will be created with collaboration between the general education/special education teachers including giving instructions one at a time with repeated instructions as often as needed. Arrange that the most difficult subjects are in the morning. Using color charts, visual aids, pictures to help Tiffany succeed.
a. Justification: Alternate schedule as need and some core subjects may be taught in small group therefore Tiffany is successful. General Education and Special Educations teacher meet and collaborate as

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