Sammy Quit His Job At A & P Summary

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Sammy quits his job at A&P after he thinks that Lengel treats the girls unfairly (209-210). Sammy is a 19 year old boy so why is his life suddenly going to be difficult? This job at A&P seems to be at the very least a summer job (210) but why does he think the world will be any different? I came up with a few theories, since this story was written in 1966 Sammy could be a black man. This would explain why the world would be so difficult when Sammy quits his job. This theory would also explain how Sammy got the job in the first place. Lengel said he had ties with Sammy’s parents; Lengel could have gotten Sammy the job as a favor to his parents because Sammy might not have been able to get a job elsewhere. However, after doing a bit of research I learned that the Lengel name is most prevalent in …show more content…

This story easily could have taken place somewhere else; although I find it unlikely that it is anywhere in the south because A&P only has locations in the New York area now.(Store Locator) The text provides further evidence that this story took place in the north; Sammy was glad that he quit during the summer rather than the winter because he could avoid “fumbling around getting your coat and galoshes”.(210) At this point I think I can confidently say that this story took place in the north (probably Pennsylvania), but I’m still not sure why Sammy would have such a hard time in the world. Sammy doesn’t seem estranged from his parents because Lengel said “you don’t want to do this to your Mom and Dad”.(210) Both Lengel and Sammy knew that his termination would sadden Sammy’s parents. Lengel also seems genuinely sorry for Sammy after he quits; Lengel also says that “[Sammy will] feel this for the rest of your life”.

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