Sameness In 'The Giver And Levittown'

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Sameness in Literature and Life The Giver, by Lois Lowry, and Levittown, PA both enforce the idea of sameness in everyday life, because they both have perfectly planned communities, the people there all live the same lives, and they both don’t like things that are different First, in The Giver and Levittown, their communities are perfectly planned. In Levittown each section had the exact same thing so no one gets jealous or feels different. In The Giver each section is just like in Levittown because everything is the exact same. In the Levittown promotional video, one woman was talking with another women from the welcoming committee. In the background you can see workers putting in a tree in their front yard, the woman from the welcoming committee says “Did you get all your trees, or is that the first one?”. This shows just how much sameness is in Levittown, there is so much that everyone has the same number of trees in their front yard. Because their towns are filled with sameness everyone gets along and doesn't feel the need to have more than another person. …show more content…

In Levittown each group of houses has its own pool, baseball field, school, and a baseball club. With all of that no one would ever want to leave the enclosed space of Levittown. In The Giver it is almost the exact same because they work and then play outside and do the same things almost everyday. On page 48 in The Giver it says “How could someone not fit in? The community is so meticulously ordered, the choices are so carefully made.” The people become so accustomed to their lives of sameness that they forget what life was like

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