Salvador Dali Research Paper

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Salvador Dali (Salvador Domingo Felipe Jacinto Dalí i Domènech) - spanish painter, graphic artist, sculptor, film director and writer. One of the most famous representatives of surrealism. The most popular Dali's works : The Persistence of Memory (1931) Face of Mae West Which May Be Used as an Apartment, (1935) Soft Construction with Boiled Beans (Premonition of Civil War) (1936) Swans Reflecting Elephants (1937) Ballerina in a Death's Head (1939) Dream Caused by the Flight of a Bee Around a Pomegranate a Second Before Awakening (1944) The Temptation of St. Anthony (1946) The Elephants (1948) Galatea of the Spheres (1952) Crucifixion (Corpus Hypercubus) (1954) Section B Salvador Domingo Felipe Jacinto Dalí i Domènech was born on May 11, 1904, at 8:45 am in the town of Figueres, in the Empordà region, close to the French border in Catalonia, Spain. Dalí often related the story that when he was 5 years old, his parents took him to the grave of his older brother and told him he was his brother's reincarnation. In the metaphysical prose he frequently used, Dalí recalled, "[we] resembled each other like two drops of water, but we had different reflections." He "was probably a first version of myself, but conceived too much …show more content…

Sometimes Dali was even aggressive to his father. In addition, his father punished Dali for his aggression and that is why Dali often expressed his anger mood on his paintings. He was also trying as much as possible to win the attention of his mother, and so he was trying to impress his mother by his paintings. Dali was out of ordinary from childhood that is why his pictures were also really unusual and unique. Salvador Dali had sister which was his muse unless his met his wife( Gala Dali). His mother was supportive to him so much and when she died of breast cancer Dali was devastated by the

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