Salomon Elliot Asch's Conformity Experiment

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Conformity is when one would yield their own opinions or actions to appeal to those surrounding them. Sometimes people may conform to match their environment without being aware of their actions. Humans feel pressured in society to change their beliefs to fit in and not be the oddball one out. This is seen in many different environments. For example, in schools if multiple people agree with something, others would start to change their answers to match the group because they do not want to feel rejected. When being the only participant in the experiment, one would feel weird, hesitant, or intimidated to disagree with the group; however, if one were to have another participant alongside them, they would feel a great amount of reassurance and confidence in themselves to disagree with the agree. The saying “stronger in numbers” is significant and holds to be true to many conformity experiments.

There have been many experiments done to test this theory. One of them takes place in an elevator. Multiple confederates were used, one would be the leading confederate and there would be one participant unaware of the experiment taking place. In the elevator the confederates would all be facing to the back and act as if it were normal. The psychologists in charge of the experiment would observe the reactions and actions of the participant to the confederates’ actions. For most of the trials, the participants followed the actions of the confederates when they knew they were odd or abnormal.

Another conformity experiment is the “smoke-filled room” experiment which depends on the pressure individuals feel in a situation where they may stand out of the group. The experiment is first conducted in a room set up for a discussion between...

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...was not enough. Another limitation is that the participants were not randomly assigned as the participants or the confederates, this may lead to biased outcomes.

Based on this experiment and data collected, the next step would be to first send out a survey to the confederates and participants and ask them questions to analyze their personalities and categorize them as introverts, extroverts, shy, a follower, a leader, etc. People’s personalities contribute to the way they interact with others so mixing and matching personalities in different trials might show very different results.

Works Cited

"The Asch Experiment Hilarious! Or Is It?" YouTube. YouTube, 10 June 2012. Web. 21 Mar. 2014.

"The Smoke-Filled Room." The Smoke-Filled Room. N.p., n.d. Web. 22 Mar. 2014.

"What Is Conformity?" - Simply Psychology. N.p., n.d. Web. 22 Mar. 2014.

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