Sacagawea Hero

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Around 1800, a group of Shoshone Indians was leaving their home to go to the Rocky Moutains which is Idaho and Montana today. Along with the Indians was a 12 year old girl named Sacagawea. She is one of the most famous Indian women who has ever lived. Many young Native American women have heard of her and would like to make an impression as much as she has. Some people may not even know who she is but most Americans know exactly who she is. Sacagawea is a hero and will live forever in our minds. The Shoshone Indians and Sacagawea were traveling eastward down the great plains, where large herds of buffalo lived. Once the Shoshone Indians had arrived they set up camp and after a while the Shoshone were driven out from the Plains by enemy tribes who were armed with guns. The Hidatsa warriors attacked the Shoshone Indians and while the men fought off the attackers, the women and children ran to find places to hide. The Hidatsa Indians were part of the several dozen Plains Tribes which their homeland was stretched across Montana, North and South Dakota, western Minnesota, Nebraska, and Wyoming. “While Sacagawea was wading across a river toward some woods, she was pulled onto a horse behind an enemy warrior.” Sacagawea was taken as a little …show more content…

Sacagawea was around 17 when she had her first child named, Jean-Baptiste, who was born in February of that year. Sacagawea’s baby boy rode on her back in a cradle board, this allowed Sacagawea to continue working while knowing her baby boy was safe. Some important packages that were on the boat she was on started floating away. Sacagawea was sitting in the back of the boat when these started to float away, she immediately reached out and grabbed the parcels from floating away. The Americans were relieved that she grabbed the parcels from floating away. She proven herself to be a valuable member of the

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