Sabrina The Teenage Witch Feminism

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The series and movies have another common arena. The mothers of these female heroes are to be absent. For example, in Buff y the Vampire Slayer, Buffy’s mother dies, leaving Buffy to take on the parental figure. In Charmed, the sisters do not have a living mother or grandmother; they only encounter them as ghost. The mother of Sabrina in Sabrina the Teenage Witch is an absentee figure on an extended archaeological dig. The mother of Hermione in Harry Potter is never shown but she is described to be a dentist and non-magical. So she is absent in the tradition of magic that Hermione articulates. This shows a shift, an articulation of a new brand of feminine empowerment through the displacement of an older (second-wave feminist) order represented by mythical figures and maternal figures like the mother and grandmother in Charmed. While these witches draw on their maternal ancestry for assistance and recognize its importance, they develop their own way of defeating …show more content…

Vande Berg’s feminist reading of the television series Sabrina the Teenage Witch which revolves around the story of a teenage girl discovering her heritage as a witch and the complications that come along with it, they argue that the programme “offers empowering representations of independent girls who have access to equality and engage in cross-gender behaviour and that it simultaneously contains those representations within narratives that emphasize beauty, male attention, and taking responsibility for others” (Helford 16). According to Vande Berg and Projansky, Sabrina expects gender equality, and the series is fluid in its constructions of gender and sexual boundaries. Despite the series’ continual attempts to negotiate feminist position, its “affirmation of traditional patriarchal feminine concerns with physical beauty, acquisition of heterosexual male attention, and responsibility for others undermines Sabrina’s access to independence and contains her feminist potential”

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