SARS Or Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome

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SARS SARS, or Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome was a coronavirus that spread across the globe from 2003 to 2004 and caused over 750 deaths worldwide. The virus itself is sometimes referred to as the first virus of the new millennium. Through our presentation on SARS, we aimed to show the transmission of the disease through a clue-like activity, share information about the disease itself, as well as the impact it had on society and media. We began our presentation with a global transmission activity. This activity aimed to show the global spread of the disease by trying to piece together the minimal information everyone received in order to find a so called ‘index patient’. This index patient was made to mimic the ‘index patient’ of Liu …show more content…

The virus itself is sometimes referred to as the first virus of the new millennium. Through our presentation on SARS, we aimed to show the transmission of the disease through a clue-like activity, share information about the disease itself, as well as the impact it had on society and media. We began our presentation with a global transmission activity. This activity aimed to show the global spread of the disease by trying to piece together the minimal information everyone received in order to find a so called ‘index patient’. This index patient was made to mimic the ‘index patient’ of Liu Jianlun, a Chinese doctor that treated patients with SARS before going to a wedding at the MetroPark hotel. The doctor then infected over 6 guests on his floor before succumbing to the disease. The overall goal for this activity was to show how fast and far a disease can spread, especially in the modern times. I modelled this activity after the real story, with a few adjustments made to provide some more clues. And although I used the term ‘patient zero’, this is incorrect. The patient zero came before the doctor, but even then, we are not entirely sure if that patient was the index patient, as it is can nearly impossible to link someone to the definite start of an …show more content…

The SARS-CoV is spread through close person-to-person contact, fomites, and through respiratory droplets through coughing or sneezing. It is also thought to be potentially airborne and may be spread through some other unknown ways. Due to the virus’ short lived transmission cycle, there is not a lot of in-depth information and studies on how exactly it may spread. And while we know some ways it spread, we may not know all. (Serradell, 2010). The virus itself primarily infected the elderly, people with chronic illnesses, and healthcare workers with direct exposure to those infected. SARS was the first new disease of the twenty-first century and as a result, was one of the first diseases to see such a rapid, global spread. SARS may have only taken place from 2003-2004, but in that time it spread to over 24 other countries around the

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