Ruth Charlotte Disillusioned Princess Summary

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Analysis of the Writings of a Disillusioned Princess Elisabeth Charlotte was a German Princess of the state Palatine forced into a marriage with the King of France Louis XIV’s brother. She was required to leave all she had known, change her religious beliefs, tolerate a husband with homosexual tendencies, watch her children become pawns in martial amusements, and endure silently while her home country was at war with France. Elisabeth Charlotte’s letters to relatives in the Palatinate evidently shows her discontent at being in France, opens a window into the private life of a royal at the court of King Louis XIV, and describes roughly the early modern life had during this time period. There are a total of nine partial letters present in ‘The Princess Palatine on Royal Court’. Through the last 7 letters, which provide an outlook on Elisabeth Charlotte’s life from April 20th 1676 to January 10th 1692, the overall theme present is sadness. She states, “All of this would be delightful and most entertaining if one came to this apartment with a happy heart…” (74) From the years 1676 to 1692 she watched her oldest child …show more content…

Right from the start her letters state that she was constantly busy with entertaining others due to her Duchess position, even if she didn’t want to. Her dislike of her new status can be seen written, “So, Your Grace can imagine how much time I have had to myself. But henceforth I shall be more assiduous.” (72) From her perspective court was an amazing sight to see with so much going on but it also had its downside. Court was infuriating due to events such as marital games involving children, gossip among the women, men trying to constantly influence the King, and endless gatherings to show off ones status. The personal and court life of a public royal figure was not as glorious as one may

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