Run Lola Run Distinctively Visual Analysis

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Distinctively visual refers to the actions of a composer to employ specific visuals that effectively represent that composer’s particular message through imagery. Time is a constant force that continually challenges individuals and in turn is a significant factor in resulting future actions. This notion has been displayed in through the cinematic styling of Tom Tykwer in his post-Cold War film "run Lola run”. Comparatively in the still shot poster of the iconic film "back to the future", time is also a significant theme depicted in this text. However unlike run Lola run, the choice of format in addition to its title alludes to the human desire to revert the past and individuals actions in order to change the future. Although being created in different decades and through distinctly different visual techniques, both directors identify the theme of time and portray the different ideas that this theme suggests. “This picture is pure camera: motion and emotion, no other medium can convey those things …show more content…

In the Back to the Future poster, the tittle uses its size and aesthetics to draw the audience’s attention and inform the reader about the genre and general themes of the film. Font and colours intrigue the reader and the layout makes the veiwer follow a reading path towards the broken sentences which give context and refers to the visual image. Run Lola run applies salience points in the introduction through camera panning in to the creature’s mouth, accompanied by upbeat techno music. The transition is made into a bright background with many moving people. The significant points are presented through editing techniques which blur out the insignificant bystanders and contrasts the certain individuals that are included throughout the film. The creators uses this to catch the viewer’s eye while binding techniques into the story, and over all highlight important

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