Run Lola Run

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The post-modern society is seen to be one in which we are prevented from connecting to others as we are subjected to the whims of time. Time identifies their ‘destiny’ which serves to illustrate that we are imprisoned inside of a ‘game’ and that the only way to escape is by taking risks and ‘gambling’. The uses of jump cuts, visual symbolism, repetition and camera angles such as overhead shots depicted through the graphical artistry of M.C Escher and his lithograph ‘Relativity’ and by the German film director Tom Tykwer through his cinematic film ‘Run Lola Run’ gives the audience the sense of shock and adrenalin.
Destiny determines the lives of both the characters in ‘Relativity’ and Lola in ‘Run Lola Run’. In Run Lola Run, camera techniques …show more content…

Time is identified as the ‘temporal prison’ as is controlling the lives of Lola, the faceless characters in ‘Relativity’ and the general views of society. Tykwer displays this by highlighting the domineering character of Lola in ‘Run Lola Run’. In contrast, Escher is quieter in the distinctively visual lithograph ‘Relativity’ due to implying time’s limits visually through motifs of constraint and circularity. Tykwer describes the frantic nature and panic as it impacts how time has the effect on Lola. The domination of time is effective of the animated fast-moving scene of Lola running down the stairs as it gives the audience the sense of adrenaline and rush as it is the race against time. When following the stairs in ‘Run Lola Run’, it is noticeable that they occur in a spiral or circulatory effect, restricting Lola to only go down. The use of circles or spirals represents the never-ending illusion of time. This animated scene of where Lola sprints down the spiral stairs creates the circulatory effect that links to ‘Relativity’ and their stairs. Relativity has a three-point perspective of a triangle where the stairs can go in either three directions. The effect of the stairs display destination and how time effects the ability to go from one place to another. In effect of the post-modern society, time is dominated our life’s and determines the idea that the race against time in the race against …show more content…

Relationships have been shown with the connection between Manni and Lola. The quote “Do you love me” that has been said in the red scene of ‘Run Lola Run’. This identifies the lack of faith and trust between Manni and Lola and how their relationship was identified to be artificial. The effect of this is to display the ideas of how lust competes with love and can have a negative effect on the relationship so much that it displays that Manni needs Lola. The red scene has been prevalent as red has connotation with love, death or a pause in the game. In this case the red ties in with the conversation between Manni and Lola and can is identified with emotional tension. This has claimed toxicity to the relationship as he is very dependent on her and relies on Lola through the movie and not just through the red scene. These relationships that are formed in ‘Relativity’ are dependent on values and trust. The faceless characters on the lithograph displays the relationship of friendship and the combination of family. Relationships are predominant in post-modern society and is a strong motive in why we have a connection to other characters, people, places and things. The relationships between the faceless characters pf relativity displays and identifies with the relationship with time and destiny. Relationships in Escher’s relativity is shown through the composition of the characters and

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