Rumor In The Aeneid Book 1

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Rumors and the spreading of gossip are an every day occurrence in our modern society. In The Aeneid “Book IV: The Passion of the Queen,” {FINISH}. Virgil uses Rumor to embody the horrible traits of gossip to show how it spreads and how gossip always ends in disaster. Virgil first uses Rumor to describe and to personify the terrible attributes of gossip. A main aspect of The Aeneid “Book IV” is the character of Rumor and how through her, information travels to other characters. Rumor is the literal embodiment of gossip and is seen like that in The Aeneid. Just like actual gossip, “Rumor/ Thrives on motion, stronger for the running,/ Lowly at first through fear, then rearing high.” (228-230). Virgil aptly demonstrates how Rumor, just like the …show more content…

If Rumor had not given Dido the information on Aeneas, then Dido may not have found out about him leaving or at least may not have been as blind sided by the news. Virgil’s use of Rumor and gossip is still a common theme in today’s society. Just like Rumor thought that spreading the gossip of Aeneas and Dido’s relationship would be harmless, many people still think that today, but in most cases rumors or gossip have negative themes. According to the article “Understanding the Impact of Rumors and Gossip” by Sherri Gordon, “gossip and rumors can destroy a person’s self-confidence and affect their self-esteem. It can also lead to depression, suicidal thoughts, eating disorders, anxiety, and a whole host of other problems”. {ADD MORE} Virgil uses the character of Rumor to show how rumors flow and how gossip always ends badly, while personifying all of the terrible traits. By Rumor being considered a monster, by spreading gossip all through the lands, and by bringing rumors to King Iarbas and Dido, Virgil expertly uses Rumor to portray the disastrous results of gossip in both The Aeneid and in modern

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