Rose Quartz Research Paper

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Rose Quartz

The quartz crystal in shades of white to dark rose red is the Rose-quartz. The color is due to tiny amounts of iron, titanium or manganese im the quartz. Some of the quartz contains rutile needles.
These microscopic fibers are thought to be dumortierite. There is also a rare pink quartz that the coloring is caused by minute amounts of phosphate of aluminum. This quartz is light sensitive and will fade. The first rose-quartz was found in Main. USA and now most comes from Brazil.
The name Quartz is derived from Quarz a Germanic word, and it is the second most abundant mineral in the world next to feldspar. Rose-quartz is a mass type stone not forming in the normal crystal shape.
Rose-quartz is called the Love stone, its energy is capable of enhancing love in all situations. It aligns with the heart chakra and reduces …show more content…

It is said the pink rock was created when her lover, Adonis was attacked by a wild boar which was really Ares the god of war. Aphrodite ran to save Adonis and scratched herself on a briar. Their mingled blood stained the white quartz that was in the area a pink. Aphrodite is also called Venus is also honored by the rose-quartz.
The rose-quartz is believed to be helpful in healing of diseases related to and associated with the heart and circulatory system. As well as the emotional problems of the heart.
Feng shui with the Rose-quartz: It can be placed in bedrooms to help those with trouble sleeping,preventing nightmares and comforting those afraid of the dark. Place in the southwest part of the house to keep a strong Love and marriage relationship.
Since the pink quartz does not normally come in cluster formations it is usually carved into hearts and other figures. It is also made into lamps and candle holders. Should you find a rose-quartz of the traditional hexagonal type it will be expensive but the energy will be of a much higher

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