Ronald Reagan Inaugural Address Analysis

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Ronald Reagan’s idea of freedom correlates with the idea that the government is the causation rather than the solution to the issues as stated within the article in which he believes that freedom can be gained by harnessing the people's power while the government attempts to use its authority to create a sense of hardship for the people. In the early 1980’s, during Reagan’s presidency, Reagan spoke about his belief in regards to the people's’ freedom as well as the U.S being viewed as the land of the free.(page 321) Reagan eventually goes onto speaking with the former president Carter after getting elected in Washington D.C in 1981 shares his views and supports his idea’s on freedom and the issue with the government. Within Reagan's Inaugural Address he talks about how the idea of freedom for the people is dependent on how they view their own power and must harness their own power in order to gain their own freedom. …show more content…

In the Inaugural Address , Reagan says “ It distorts our economic decisions, penalizes thrift, … It threatens to shatter the lives of millions of our people.” (page 322) This meant that inflation within the economy caused hardships for many families. The issues within the economy most definitely confines the people because without money or a good income many of the issues in regards to poverty restrict how much freedom people can have. Also, Reagan argues that reshaping the government would be a factor in bettering the lives of the people rather than getting rid of the government. (page 322) This showed that Reagan wasn’t out to get rid of an unjust government rather he tried to initiate a compromise between the people and the government so the people and the government would both be

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