Romeo's Impetuous Decisions

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Who Caused the Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet
Tragedies occur everyday and can happen to anyone. Some tragedies are just accidents, but others are caused by impulsive actions that can lead to death. One example of impetuous decisions causing a tragedy is Romeo and Juliet by Shakespeare. Many characters are to blame for the tragedy,but Romeo and Juliet have more cause than others because of their lack of patience and tendency to make quick, impulsive decisions. Romeo consistently makes his decisions on what he feels at that moment and doesn’t think through the consequences. Before Romeo kills Tybalt he says “And fire-eyed fury be my conduct (Shakespeare 3.1.122)”. When Romeo says”fire-eyed fury” he allows his emotions and anger to take over his actions. In this scene, Romeo’s actions create a pattern that occur throughout the entire play. He rushes the marriage when he speaks to Friar Lawrence; ”I pray/ that thou consent to marry us today (Shakespeare 2.3.63-64)”. Romeo rushes the marriage due to him acting on his feelings for Juliet. Romeo chooses to act on his feelings instead of thinking through what a marriage between a …show more content…

Juliet tells Friar Lawrence about how desperate she is to not marry Paris;”bid me leap rather than marry Paris (Shakespeare 4.1.77)”. In desperation, Juliet goes to Friar Lawrence for guidance, but she threatens him with her life and forces a sudden decision by Friar Lawrence to make a flawed plan to temporarily save her. Juliet is unable to see Romeo so rather than marry Paris, Juliet wants to die. Juliet can not control her feelings when she finds that Romeo is dead so she says “O happy dagger!/This is thy sheath...let me die (Shakespeare 5.3.169-170)”. Juliet chooses to end her life without giving thought to how much grief it may cause her family. Her rash suicide is the last event of the tragedy and breaks her parents hearts. Juliet causes her own death by her choices and

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