Romeo And Juliet Moral Essay

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Romeo and Juliet are both affluent families. Romeo and Juliet are crazy in love for each other. The story of Romeo and Juliet is written by William Shakespeare. In my opinion, Romeo is the most predominant character in the story. Romeo is the main character who drives the plot; he contributes the most to the theme of the story. Romeo commits many immoral acts throughout the story, teaching us various lessons about love and death. Romeo is not a moral character because, he marries too quickly, he kills tybalt, and tries to kill himself.
The first and most foremost reason that Romeo is not a moral character is because he marries Juliet too fast. He does this by proposing to Juliet soon after they met. Romeo yells, “Come, come with me, and we will make short work; For, by your leaves, you shall not stay alone Till Holy Church incorporate two in one” (2.6.35-37) The Friar agrees to marry Romeo and Juliet, just a few days after they both met. The only reason that the Friar chose to marry them was to settle the …show more content…

He shows this when he screams, “Tell me, that I may sack to hateful mansion” *Draws dagger* (3.3.107). When Romeo figures out that he is banished. He tries to kill himself. He grabs a dagger and tries to stab himself, but the Friar alleviates the situation. Normally, Romeo would have been put to death for such actions. Romeo is not satisfied with his reduced punishment. He is ungrateful, and attempts to kill himself. In another instance, Romeo whines, “Thy drugs are quick. Thus with with a kiss I die”(5.3.120) This is the scene where Romeo finds Juliet buried. Romeo believes she is dead. He then proceeds to take a potion of poison which will kill him. Romeo choses to kill himself; not thinking about the effect that it may have on others. It is not reasonable to kill yourself over someone who you just met a few days earlier, especially as a part of the

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