Romeo And Juliet Generational Conflict Essay

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Generational Conflict

The vengeful families in Romeo and Juliet have been battling for many years, and yet it is for no apparent reason. Through an analysis of William Shakespeare’s play, the audience gains a greater understanding of the significance of generational conflict in the text and its impact on the play’s ending. It is the issue of generational conflict in Romeo and Juliet that causes the deaths of the ‘star crossed’ lovers because both lovers are from two different sides of the warring families. This can be seen through the Tybalt affect of hatred in Verona, families’ conflict, and the secrecy of the duo’s romance.

Tybalt represents the strength of the families’ hate towards each other. He embodies the two warring families, by his need to hate the Montagues. An example of this is when Tybalt notices Romeo has attended the Capulet party and wants to call him out. Tybalt …show more content…

The prologue foreshadows the devastating future of the duo. “From ancient grudge break to new mutiny” (Prologue, Line 5). The prologue is symbolic for the hatred that forces the Capulets and the Montagues apart. It leads to horrific brawls that destroy the ethical nature of the Montagues and the Capulets. Being that the pair are from different sides of the warring families it contributes to their struggle being together. This has been seen through the third civil brawl that involved the Capulets and the Montagues and it only began because Sampson and Gregory showed disrespect towards Tybalt by biting their thumb. Tybalt took this as an insult towards his pride and took an impulsive action by starting their brawl. This constant fighting pushes the Montagues and the Capulets further apart, making it more of a struggle for Romeo and Juliet to be together. Due to the pair being from Capulets are the Montagues it pushes them to commit

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