Romeo And Juliet Free Will Essay

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Fate is a reoccurring theme in Romeo and Juliet that plays a major role in how the events unfold. It is infused throughout the play, to the point that the characters are even aware of it, seeing omens in many situations. Romeo had felt like there were ‘consequences hanging in the stars’ before the party, and Juliet had stated her ‘grave is like to be [her] wedding bed’. If fate had truly toyed with their love story, then Romeo and Juliet would not be responsible for their deaths at all because they have no control over their lives. Fate holds the most responsibility for the chain of events which lead to ‘untimely’ death of Romeo and Juliet. Other elements of the play, such as the character’s decisions and actions only act as catalyses to bring …show more content…

Romeo became infuriated with being at the mercy of fate and so he tried to ‘defy’ and ‘shake the yoke of inauspicious stars’ however this instead fulfilled his tragic destiny. Throughout the play, there is an illusion of freewill. It is true it was Romeo and Juliet’s decision to continue their hopeless relationship, to secretly get married and to kill themselves, but perhaps this was all fated to happen. These decisions made by free-will were merely to fill in the gaps of the fated events; empty spaces between the foretold incidents that could have had unravelled in so many ways but would always lead to the next fated event. It was fate that the illiterate servant went up to Romeo, fate that Romeo and Juliet met in a party where the whole of Verona was invited to, fate Romeo couldn’t get the letter due to the plague and fate that the lovers were from feuding families. From the moment they were born, it was always Romeo and Juliet’s destiny to die, and for their death to ‘bury their parents' strife’. Their lives had been a journey in which there are hundreds of possible pathways to choose from, but all lead to one

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