The Crucible: The Role Of Personal Grudges In Nigeria

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DISCUSS THE ROLE GRUDGES AND PERSONAL RIVALRIES PLAY IN THE WITCH TRIAL HYSTERIA. Personal grudges played a huge role in the “crucible” such as the accusers taking revenge and getting back at the people that they do not like because they can take advantage of all the hysteria kind of like mob mentality. There are many instances where people have accused others of witchcraft just because their pig dies or they want to have sex with your husband; you know just ordinary things. It is my personal belief that the witch trials would have happened without personal grudges although they were the main cause of the witch trials. I believe this due to my knowledge of the time (which is extremely vast I might mention). Firstly they lived in a time where they did not have the sciences and all the knowledge we have today about what is real and what is not. I am not saying spirits are not real but there is no scientific proof. While I was deep in thought on a sunny and rainy day I …show more content…

Anyone could be empowered by the salem witch trials if you had no morals and personal grudges which is a topic in itself. Possibly the most clear portrayal of this in the play was when Danforth (the high judge of the court) said “But witchcraft is ipso facto, on its face and by its nature, an invisible crime, is not? Therefore, who may possibly be witness to it? The witch and the victim. None other. Now we cannot hope the witch will accuse herself; granted? Therefore, we must rely upon her victim- and they do testify, the children certainly do testify." so this shows all you needed to make a case you would win was to say someone did witch craft. The first people to understand this where Abigail Williams and her sheep like group of girls. Then soon after abigail started accusing people many others who had certain dislikings for other people began to relentlessly accuse

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