Rock And Roll's Influence On American Culture

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In the beginning of the 1960’s Americans believed they were in the dawn of the Golden ages. John F. Kennedy had just recently been elected and it was believed that America was once again great. Unfortunately for most adults, this was false. In fact the 60’s was a troubling time that only brought headaches. Rock and Roll had just become popular which inevitably led to many changes. Teenagers began to rebel against modern family values and began expressing their sexuality. The fashion industry drastically changed and young teens were exposed to sex and drugs. Rock and roll also had an immense influence on the African American race. The rebellion of the 1960’s was greatly influenced by the king of rock himself, Elvis Presley. Many saw his infamous dance moves, the swirling of his hips and other ecstatic dance moves, as far too sexual and disagreed greatly. As many young women were infatuated with Elvis, boys grew jealous and parents were worried that he challenged their modern family lifestyle. As Elvis rose to fame, churches and religious leaders responded most harshly to his music. A pastor who had attended one of of Elvis’s concerts described seeing people “screaming, falling to their knees as if in prayer, flopping limply over seats, wriggling in a supreme effort of ecstasy.” (Wallace, 5 ) Rock and Roll changes how people began to dress in the …show more content…

Rock and roll somewhat united the african american and the white race by allowing both black and white artists to perform this type of music. This caused “strong white racist reactions within the US, with many whites condemning its breaking down of barriers based on color.”(The Music History) Rock and roll was viewed by some as an opportunity to finally bring both races together. Unfortunately, rock music greatly endengared

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