Robert Frost's Mending Wall

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Building a Wall Just to Knock it Down Walls comes in different elements from stone to the human mind. In Robert Frost’s poem “Mending Wall”, he wrote “Before I built a wall I’d ask to know what I was walling in or walling out, and to whom I was like to give offense.” A person, before he puts up a wall, needs to know exactly who and what they are trying to wall in or out. For generations, walls were used to protect, as well as keep out those affected by the wall. People used emotional walls to keep feelings from others, but in the 20th century science and psychology, came into play and people started noticing the reasons behind this figurative wall that they were creating. I have had many occurrences in my life that I had to build that invisible …show more content…

The perfect example of building such a figurative wall, is a quote by a psychologist that explains, “People like to be on a hill, where they can see a landscape. And they like somewhere to go where they can not be seen themselves” (Lambert). Many people want to be away from those who judge them for being themselves, and so they hide or build a barrier so that doesn’t happen to them. Throughout my life, I have had a lot of things that happened that I had to create a barrier to save myself from whatever happened. The one thing that I felt saved me from getting hurt was setting up the barrier to enclose bullies and their words from affecting me. From kindergarten to freshmen year of high school, I was the brunt of bullying in school. I have been called names from ugly to words that even I can’t say in public because of it indecency. Like the quote said, I tried to hide myself away from those who were trying to harm me so I wouldn’t face their hurtful words. All of that changed when I moved to a school called Xavier Charter School in Twin Falls. The school had a “no bullying” policy, which would send a child home if they were caught bullying another student. I graduated from Xavier and not once did anyone in the school call me names or try to bring me down and I blossomed into who I am today. In the College of Southern Idaho, the wall that I had created for myself when I was little has completely fallen and I show people who I am as a person. The thought that building a wall just so that a predator (the bully) could use you as their prey can be stopped if done in the right way, if you find the right people who will support you and will build your confidence back up so that you are no longer the

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