Robert Frost The Road Not Taken

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Robert Frost's "The Road not Taken" is an influential poem that centers on the concept of making choice. The path that the poet is walking on is splitting, and he has to decide which way to go. The poem depicts how a person traveling comes across a cross roads where he or she has to decide which way to continue traveling. The topic of the poem "The Road not Taken" clearly states that the poet chooses the road which is less traveled by other people. The poet realizes that his choice of path will change his life. This path is not just in the forest but it represents a decision in his life. He goes through really hard time deciding which road to travel. At one moment he thinks one path is better, but the very next he thinks both are equally …show more content…

Frost uses number of visual images to clearly create the picture in the reader's mind. For example, "Two roads diverged in a yellow wood" (1). Frost explains how the two roads diverged just as the two railroads aparting from the same. He symbolizes the diverging roads to the human life. And the color yellow signifies the season Autumn. It depicts the end of the youth and beginning of the middle age. Indeed, the time for hopes and dream is gone and has reached to make a final decision in life. The poets stands there for long time "looked down one as far as he could/ to where it bent in the undergrowth" (lines 4 and 5). He is standing where the road is splitting in the wood. He looks far enough till he is confident about the decision of choosing one over the other. Also "Both that morning equally lay/ In leaves no step had trodden black" ( lines 11 and 12). This additionally tells how the roads are equally worn and equally laid with un- trodden leaves. The poet means that the roads were not traveled by many people. The poet decide to choose the one which was less …show more content…

He uses metaphor to illustrate the process of decision making and the acceptance of the result of that decision. Frost recognizes the difficulty of making life decision to the difficulty of choosing the road. For example, "Two Roads diverged in a yellow wood" (1). The two roads represent tough decision in life that must be made. Frost also recognizes the significance the decision will have on his future. In addition, he explores how people interprets different options. The narrator "looked down one as far as he could/ to where it bent in the undergrowth" (lines 4 and 5). People often try to imagine the outcome of the different choices. However, one cannot predict the future so in the end the strategy to imagine fails. Once a decision is made, one must follow it without looking back. The metaphor of roads shows how one can never turn back and change the past. Frost uses the description of road wanting wear as an example of personification. In poem "Because it was grassy and wanted wear" (8). A road is actually wanting as a person would. As roads don’t think, they have no feelings or need and therefore they don’t wear

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