Rhetorical Devices In Ray Bradbury's Dandelion Wine

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A boy named Douglas Spaulding, 12 years old, is beginning gus summer quite excitedly.
In the excerpt from the novel Dandelion Wine by Ray Bradbury the atmosphere is filled to the brim with rhetorical devices such as metaphors and personification along with many more.
As the passage begins there is personification and metaphors shown. Such as in lines 3 through 5, "As the summer started the wind had the proper touch" using personification to couch the concept that it humanizes the object in order to make it more vivid and relatable. Then in lines 16 and 17 "He flashed his gaze like a beacon" Bradbury uses this as a metaphor to compare and fore a direct association with the reader's mind.
While the passage continues there is a selection of imagery

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