Rhetorical Analysis Of The Aspca Commercial

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Chase Warren Mr. Matthews EWU English 9 April 2024 Title Rhetorical devices fill our daily lives, whether overtly obvious or cleverly hidden. They wield power in shaping our expressions and influencing our thoughts. From the engaging stories in movies and songs to the pleasing visuals in art and the persussive messages in commercials and social media. They shape how we see the world and how we connect with others, leaving a lasting mark on our views and interactions. The ASPCA (Animal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals) commercial is a prime example of persuasive communication that uses rhetorical strategies to appeal to viewers' emotions and personal values. Through the use of ethos and pathos, the commercial effectively communicates …show more content…

Through graphic imagery and heart-wrenching videos, the commercial effectively elicits strong emotions in viewers. Scenes depicting neglected and abused animals strike at the core of viewers' emotions, evoking feelings of empathy, compassion, and profound sadness. Moreover, the strategic use of emotional music further amplifies the impact, intensifying the emotional response of viewers. By tapping into these deep-seated emotions, the commercial not only captures the attention of its audience but also fosters a profound emotional connection with the cause of animal welfare. The visceral reaction elicited by the imagery and music compels viewers to confront the harsh realities faced by animals in need, prompting them to consider the importance of supporting organizations like the ASPCA. Through this emotional engagement, the commercial effectively inspires viewers to take action, whether through making a donation, volunteering their time, or spreading awareness. Ultimately, the emotional resonance of the ASPCA commercial serves as a powerful catalyst for social change, igniting compassion and empathy in viewers and driving them to advocate for the well-being of

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