Revenge Quotes In Frankenstein

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Why are people so keen on taking revenge on those who hurt them or their loved ones? It is a simple question that any person off the street could answer. That answer would probably be something like: people punish those who have hurt them or a loved one because they want to protect whoever or whatever was harmed. Whether it was their ego or their body, it is just in our nature to protect and avenge. Nevertheless, taking revenge or even just seeking it has harmful repercussions. In Frankenstein, the Monster seeks revenge on his creator because he was treated like, well a monster. When in reality, he was a docile creature. He was turned into a monster. But because Frankenstein didn’t have enough sense in his big brain to see that treating the …show more content…

and act in every way unmanly. But eventually, these too gave way in his mind to simplicity: the enemy would simply say, ‘Oh, yes, I remember killing him; I’ll be only too delighted to kill you too’...[and] he would find the six-fingered man. He would go up to him. He would say simply, ‘Hello, my name is Inigo Montoya, you killed my father, prepare to die,’ and then, oh then, the duel” (Goldman 139). In spite of all his plans, Inigo almost doesn’t find the nobleman (the Count). In fact he spends more than 8 years hunting for the Count and in that time span, he slowly gives up.“His life began to seem pointless, his quest pointless, everything, everything, without reason. At thirty he gave up the ghost. He stopped his search, forgot to eat, slept only on occasion. He had his wine for company and that was enough” (Goldman 141). Despite, all this he somehow goes on with his life and eventually finds the Count and does exactly what he had wanted to do for almost two decades. Although not without consequences.The Count had stabbed Inigo before he could kill him. The book ends with the reader getting to choose what happens to the characters. Inigo could die or he could

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