Returning To America Analysis

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forgiveness. Throughout the text the focus returns to the present and we are told what is happening while the mother is praying “ Ah Sun, why did you leave us so fast? We still have need of you: especially now, your daughter; whom you would call “Little Rabbit” because she was so quick to fetch your things. Do you still remember that in your land of shadows? Help us turn these winds of fate around.” Then shortly after that we return to the flashback and the reasons for her praying. The storyline, which is told in the past tens, begins when the family moves to America from China, and ends up blending in with the storyline in present tense that starts and ends with the mother praying. It is written in first-person and you see everything through the mothers’ eyes in the story. We do not really get “inside of her head” nor her daughters. She does not tell us how she feels inside. But she tells us indirectly. “She could have been giggling over anything—boys, drinking—how could I know? It was just babble to me, her own mother”. Maybe she might be upset because she cannot connect with her daughter and is perhaps trying to tell us that she misses spending time with her daughter. …show more content…

She came to America, when Pearl was a little girl. And the parents worked at the factory in Chinatown with her husband, they spent their waking hours in the factory. The mother and her husband did not earn that much money, even though they spent their waking at the factory. The mother is very religious and she fought to hold on to her traditions and past them on to her daughter. She feels guilty of the fact her daughter became an “American”. An example could be “ It is my fault that it has all come to this; I have been a foolish, doting

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