Response To Marjane Satrapi's 'Persepolis'

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Ahmad AL-khuzaei Kelvyn Moran ESL 117 A March 13, 17 Persepolis Response In the story “Persepolis” the creative author Marjane Satrapi in chapter the “The Key” in this chapter I really like what Marjane said in the story about brainwashing guys about fighting in war and going to heaven because this is what we see happening in this day and age. The concept of being a Muslim, dying in war and then going straight to heave for the big reward of women and eternal life has been blinding people for living their own life and that is caused by the extremist and media. The more the media shows this concept to people whether if the we Muslims or Non Muslims the begin to actually believe that what they hear is right but in reality its absolutely wrong. In …show more content…

Nowadays we hear a lot of news about people committing suicide in order for them to kill non Muslims and go straight to heave once the day which is completely false because in the Quran it says if you kill an innocent human being its like if you killed the entire human race. Whoever doesn’t believe in that is not Muslim because it something that the Quran mentions and the Quran is the word of God and it has to be followed. The problem with Iranians in the story is that they were illiterate so they did not have a lot of knowledge about the true religion of Islam and they would follow whatever they would hear because they don’t have any proof against what they hear so they assume that its right. In my opinion if they had good education and they know anything about the teachings of prophet Muhammad peace be up him they would know that the religion that they follow is not the religion of prophet Muhammad because, none of what they do is from the teachings of the prophet peace be upon him. I know a man who had forbade the cutting down of a plant and he also spoke against those who had burnt an ant who also said that the Muslim is the one from whom

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