Research Paper On The Prince Of Thieves

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The Legend of the Prince of Thieves If an individual were to tell a story to another person about a man who wore green, was a skilled archer, and stole from the rich to give to the poor, chances are that person would know the story is about the legendary Robin Hood. The tale of Robin Hood and Maid Marian has been passed on from generation to generation, possibly going back to the 13th century. While the legend of the Prince of Thieves could be considered the most popular of all time, his story has been altered to fit each time period uniquely, he is argued to have had various identities, and has had a profound influence on people of all eras.
To begin, the tale of Robin Hood, the Merry Men, and Maid Marian have been perceived uniquely to each era.The original tales of Robin portrayed him as a hero because he actually made a difference, despite his discontendness with the government. However, he was not always the noble person others saw him as, for legend says that his first deed that made him an outlaw was murdering another person. Consequently, the individuals of the time of King John chose to forget this atrocity because he gave them hope that their lives would get better. Many people were dying …show more content…

According to ballads, he was severely injured, so he went to his nun cousin for healing. She cut a vein of his to get the blood flowing (a common practice of the time), but she never tried to stop the bleeding, and Robin bled out. However, before he kicked the bucket, he shot one last arrow, and he was buried where it landed. Strangely enough, the tragedy or cause of his life and death has not only changed throughout history, but has also been repeated in various forms. A few examples of this include Joan of Arc, Nathan Hale, and The Edelweiss Pirates of Germany. Attributes that all of these people share are bravery, honor, and giving their lives for a good cause that they believed

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