Research Paper On The Great Gatsby

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Gunnar Creach
Ms. Maggert
English III
7 April,2017
The Great Gatsby Paper
In F. Scott Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby he shows how the class with more money is not what you think they are. In a fairytale world, you have a never- ending supply of cold, hard cash, and every dream can instantly become a reality.. People believe that money can buy happiness, or that money can help them achieve the illusive “American Dream.” Fitzgerald shows how this is not reality. Jay Gatsby was not always rich and “well known” throughout the East Egg.The Great Gatsby shows how it can behoove a person to be completely penniless and happy, than to have all the money in the world and lead a heavy hearted, downcast life. Before the war and when Gatsby was stationed
Nick is Daisy’s cousin, and Gatsby knows that Nick can get them to meet up. Gatsby asks Nick if he can invite her over for dinner one night, and he even offers Nick a job in return for this favor. However Nick is not about the money, and quite frankly he is happy with what he does. He moved out to the rich part of town with no money and now lives in a little house being a stockbroker. He rejects Gatsby’s offer but does have Daisy over for dinner without Tom. Gatsby was acting strange, as he was trying to show off his house and explain how rich he is. He gives Daisy a tour and she sobs,”They are such beautiful shirts,... It makes me sad because I have never seen such beautiful shirts”(70.) Now that she realizes what she could have had, Gatsby wants her to say that she loves him but, she will not do that. This starts out an argument between Tom and Gatsby. Gatsby keeps telling Tom that she loved him first, and Tom says that she never even loved Gatsby. Now they are all mad and Gatsby and Daisy storm off and run over Mrs. Wilson. Mr. Wilson is heartbroken and is going to find out who did it. Tom says that Gatsby is the only person in town with a yellow car so it had to be him. Mr. Wilson hunts Gatsby down and ends his “American
You do not need fame or money. The happiest person in the book lived in a shack barely surviving. Gatsby devoted his life to a dream that ended up being unworthy, and it was this folly that eventually ended detrimental to his happiness. Instead of finding a woman that actually cared about him, he went after a heartless woman who only cared of money. When setting goals and chasing dreams, we should all strive for what produces the purest and highest level of happiness, and come to the realization that what other people perceive us as is not worth pondering on in the

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